Bai er a Rengara Irrai The oldest bai in palau

In recognition of its significance, this site has been listed on the Palau Register of Historic Places on September 13, 1989. Through preservation, study, and interpretation, the site can serve to educate future generations concerning the historical and cultural heritage of the Palauan people.

Bai er a Rengara Irrai, located in Ordomel Village, is the oldest and last remaining traditional style Bai in Palau. The Bai presently listed on the Palau Register of Historic Places, as well as being listed on the American National Register during the Trust Territory Administration. Bai er a Rengara Irrai was renovated in 1984 and 1995. Several components of the old Bai is said to be almost 200 years old told by the village elders and now they are still used in the new structure.

About the Site

Site Type
Bai Platform
Date Registered
September 13, 1989
Site No
B:IR-1:1 Feature 2

Government Service

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+680 767 2403

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