PICRC Junior Researcher McQuinnley Mesengei Enhances Data Analysis Skills at YSSP in South Korea

The training, conducted under project, aimed to improve climate data analysis skills and make accurate climate predictions.
Ngeremlengui AWS Official Site Visit

The GCF-UNEP Project (FP147) titled “Enhancing Climate Information and Knowledge Services for Resilience of the 5 Island Countries of the Pacific Ocean (UNEP CIS-Pac5)” is making significant strides in fortifying climate resilience across the Pacific region.
Compact Review Agreement Exchange of Notes Ceremony

A ceremony at Koror’s Belau Nippon Baseball Stadium marked a major step forward in U.S. – Palau relations. President Surangel S. Whipps, Jr. witnessed the exchange of diplomatic notes between Palau Minister of State, Gustav Aitaro, and U.S. Ambassador, H.E. Joel Ehrendreich.
Palau SBDC Job Announcement

Palau SBDC Job Announcement as Center Director. A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in business..
Palau Workforce Opportunity

Eligibility for Emergency COVID-19 Relief Program is a one-time aid extended to Palauan Citizens in the Private Sector
Philippine Overseas Employment (POEA) Administration in Palau

Loss of Income Due to Covid-Relief Program

Eligibility for Emergency COVID-19 Relief Program is a one-time aid extended to Palauan Citizens in the Private Sector