Loss of Income Due to Covid-Relief Program

Loss of Income Due to Covid-Relief Program

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Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility for Emergency COVID-19 Relief Program is a one-time aid extended to Palauan Citizens in the Private Sector, who are fulltime and part-time employees that were laid-off or sent home by an employer due to the temporary closure of a business, or who were on leave without pay due to COVID-19 related circumstances.

Qualifying Circumstances

  1. Positive Test Results and quarantine/isolation order or documentation regarding the employee by the Ministry of Health & Human Services or other private health care providers;
  2. Positive Test Results and quarantine/isolation order or documentation regarding the family member by the Ministry of Health & Human Services or other private health care providers;
  3. Caring for a child due to a school or place of closure, or the childcare provider of the child is unavailable, due to COVID–19;
  4. Documents from employer supporting this application: Written documentation stating about the business closure or leave with no pay or 2 most recent check stub.



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