Beluu er a Ngercheluuk, Ngiwal
Beluu er a Ngercheluuk
( The Traditional Village Of ngiwal)
Site Type: Traditional Village
Location: Ngiwal
Date Registered: August 13, 1993
Site No: B:NI-2:1
In recognition of its significance, Beluu er a Ngercheluuk has been listed on the Palau Register of Historic Places on August 13, 1993. Through preservation, study, and interpretation, the site can serve to educate future generations concerning the historical and cultural heritage of the Palauan people and Ngiwal State.
Ngercheluuk is a traditional village of Ngiwal situated to the north of Ngermechau, from the Belod dock on the shoreline and goes inland crossing taro patches and up to Delobech hill. Today the people moved to live closer to the shoreline. History relates that this move began in 1918, when Uong Ngirateuid went to Japan and visited the settlement of Ginza. He really liked the layout of the town and its pathways. When he returned, he talked all the people and moved the settlement down from the hill to its present location, and layed it out like Ginza in Japan.
The real Ngercheluuk is inland and there are taro patches between it and the present Ngercheluuk. There is a stone pavement called “Ongeluluul” at the end of Belod dock, which was used by the Ngaramaderrak when they met to consider important matter relating to the community. There were supposed to have been ten resting posts for the ten rubaks, four of this resting post were right in the middle of the platforms surrounded by the rest for the four ranking chiefs. This area was regarded as sacred and the people respected that so no one came to sit on the stones or make loud noises near it. Today, Ngiwal’s dispensary is built on site, and the resting posts are missing. The stone path to Ngercheluuk begins at Ongeluluul going west through taro patches uphill then turns north to Bai er a Ibtaches.

“Lukel a Tutau” / B:NI – 2:1 Feature 21
Photo by McMichael Mutok Jr. (September 2023)
The platform at Ibtaches has a grave on it where Uong Ngirateuid is buried. To the northwest of the platform of Ibtaches is the platform of Ngeruios, the first ranking clan of Ngercheluuk. There are many graves on this platform. When we continue on toward the hill of Delobech, the Tutau’s Nest is to the right. There are other significant features in Ngercheluuk which were not uncovered because of dense shrubs and grass as well as cultural deposits that requires further survey and detailed studies.
Lukel a Tutau (B:NI-2:1 Feature 21)
There is a stone in Ngercheluuk that is said to be Tutau’s nest. It has a circular shape with a depression in the middle just like a real nest. This stone nest is on a piece of land called Ngermerdel.
There was a woman from Olsebokel in Aimeliik who traveled to Desbedall, the eastcoast of Babeldaob. When she reached Desbedall she became pregnant so she named the land Ngerdioll. She traveled from Ngerdioll to Ngiwal to a place called Ngermerdel in the village of Ngercheluuk. At Ngercheluuk she gave birth to a bird called Tutau, Palau morning bird. Tutau’s nest is situated beside the meeting house of Bai er a Ibtaches. One day the Council of Chiefs, Renga ra Maderrak, had a meeting, they were continuously disturbed by the voice of Tutau. This made Uong angry so he went out and threw a piece of wood at Tutau. After seeing what had happened, Tutau became sad and took her egg to the House of Tebechui in the village of Iyebukel in Ngarchelong. When she left her nest it turned into stone. While at the house of Techebui, her egg hatched. A male child with wings came out from the shell. Tutau named the child Uchel. When Uchel grew to be a man they moved to a house called Ruchelsiang in Mengellang. While at Mengellang, Uchel received the title Uchelrusiang. One day Uchelrusiang heard that Ngaraard was planning to attack Ngiwal. He knew that he actually originated from Ngiwal therefore he helped Ngiwal in the attack. Duirng the attack Rechemechem speared him on top of a hill in Ngerair. He fell into chis, a depression in the seafloor, in front of Ngerair.

Stone Path to Lukel a Tutau / B:NI-2:1 Feature 34
Photo by McMichael Mutok Jr. (September 2023)
A Beluu er a Ngercheluuk a siliseb er a omsengelel a klalo er a Ibetel a Cherechar (Palau Register of Historic Places) er se er a August 13, 1993. Tia el olsechall a ta er a mekreos el ibetel a cherechar er a Belau, el kmal klou a ultutelel el olsechall el mo er a rechad me a beluu er a Ngiwal.
A Ngercheluuk a ta er a beluu er a Ngiwal. Tiang a omuchel er a btelul a chang er a Belod er a Kederang e merael el mo soiseb er a mesei el mo er a beluu, e mo ngasech er a Ked er a Delobech.

“Map of the Ngercheluuk Traditional Village (Olsudong et al 2001, 36)”

Table 5 “List of Features Identified in Ngercheluuk Traditional Village” (Olsudong et al 32 & 33)
Tia el Ngercheluuk a nga er a mo bedul a diluches er a Ngermechau el ta er a beluu er a Ngiwal. A delengchokl er a beluu er a Ngiwal er chelechang a kmeed er a kederang. E tia el rekisi er a beluu er a Ngiwal er a lolukl er a delengchokl el mei er a bita er a daob a ulemuchel er a bekord ngar er a rak er a 1918.
Tiang a taem er a Ngirateuid el mle Uong er a Ngiwal a mlo er a Siabal e milsa chelsel a beluu er a Ginza me a rael er ngii, e kmal mlo soal. Me ng mlei e nguu a delengchokl el mei er tia le ngar er ngii a beluu er chelechang. E a meral beluu er a Ngercheluuk er a irechar a ngar emel, e a mesei a ngar er a delongelel ngii me a beluu er chelechang. Ngar er ngii a cheldeklel a “Ongeluluul” el ngar er a uchul a chades er a Belod. Tiang a bel kldibel er ngii a renga er a Maderrak e melib a kelulul a beluu. Te kmo ng mlarengii a teruich el btangch el dechor er ngii er a nga er a mong. E a kleuang er aika el teruich a mla er a belengel el kirel aike el euang el saus er a beluu. E mle mekull el diak a ngidil chad el mo dengchokl, me a lechub e ng mengerodech er a bita er ngii. Chelechal sils e a Osbitar er a Ngiwal a dechor er a bebul. E a btangch el mla er ngii a dibus. A rael el mo er a Ngercheluuk a omuchel er a Ongeluluul e merael el bedul a Ngebard el okiu a cheldukl el bad el mo soiseb er a mesei, e merael el mo rebab el mo mecham el bedul a diluches el mo er a Bai er a Ibtaches (Momes er Map).
Ng dirrek el ngar er ngii a cheldeklel a chimo er a Bai el di kmeed er a Bai er a Ibtaches, e ngar er ngii a btangch el dechor er aika el olbed er a Bai. Ng dirrek el ngar er ngii a lmuut el bebil er a Bai el birir a recheldebechel el ngar er ngii. Tia el olbed er a Bai er a Ibtaches a ngar er ngii a bluks er ngii, e ngar er ngii a kerus el sment er a btelul. Tia a debellel a mle Uong el Ngirateuid er a beluu er a Ngiwal. E a mo bedul a Diluches- Ngebard er a Bai a odesongel er a Ngeruios el kot el blai er a Ngercheluuk. Ng dirrek el kmal betok a meklou el bluks er a bebul. E a dorael el mo bedul a Ked er a Delobech, e a mo bedul a klisiched a Lukel a Tutau. E ngar er ngii a kleiai el bad el blechobech el meliuekl er a chelsel tia el luuk el bad. Ng dirrek el ngar er ngii a btangch el dechor er bita er ngii. Ngar er ngii a lmuut el bebil er a meklou a ultutelel el features el ngar er a chelsel tia el beluu er a Ngercheluuk, e aika a ngar aike el basio el mla mo klou a chudel me a chereomel er ngii, me a taem er a survey e ng mlo diak el medangch; me a dirrek el ngar er ngii a delekull (deposits) er a chelsel tia el site, el kmal meklou a ultutelel el kirel a melemolem el omesubel a beluu er a Ngercheluuk.
Lukel a Tutau (B:NI-2:1 Feature 21)
Ngarngii a bad el ngara beluu er a Ngercheluuk el lolekoi er ngii el kmo , Lukel a Tutau. Tia el bad a chaibibeob e ng ngar er ngii a chelsel el di ua teletelel a luuk. Tiaikid el Lukel a Tutau a ngar er a chutem a Ngermerdel.
Ng mla er ngii a ta el mechas er a Olsebokel er a Imeliik el tilobed e merael el mei er a Desbedall. Mal mei er a Desbedall e ng dillang, me ng mengkeklii tia el basio el ble er ngii er a Desbedall el kmo, Ngerdioll. Ngkal mechas a mla er a Ngerdioll e merael el mei er a Ngiwal. Mal mei er a Ngiwal, e ng mlei el me er a chutem el Ngermerdel a ngklel er a Ngercheluuk. Me ng mla er a Ngercheluuk e mechelii a ngelekel el Tutau el ika el suebek el charm.
Ngkal Tutau a mla er ngii a lukel el mla er a bita er a Bai er a Ibtaches. A ta er a klebesei e a Renga er a Maderrak a nga er a Bai er a Ibtaches el chadecheduch e ng ka el Tutau a di mengerodech me tirka el rubak a mlo diak el sebechir el kaiuerenges. Tia kmal ulengesechii a rengul a Uong me ng tilobed el nguu a tetuk el rechelel a kerrekar el meliuachel er ngkal Tutau. Ngkal Tutau a kmal mlo mekngit a rengul me ng ngiluu a ngisel e merael el mo er a Iyebukel el beluu er a Ngarchelong er a blai er a Techebui. Tiaikid er a lorael e tia el lukel a ulebult el mo bad. Tiaikid ngii el bad el ngara Ngermerdel er a Ngercheluuk. Ngii el Tutau a mla er a blai er a Techebui el mol mong e ng mocha omeu tia el ngisel. Ma lobeu e ng ngalk el sechal el ngar er ngii a osebekel. Ngkal Tutau a milngeklii ngkal ngelekel el Uchel. Al bocha el klou a Uchel e te millukl el me er a blai er a Ruchelsiang er a Mengellang. Tiaikid er a ngar er a Mengellang, e a Uchel a mlo Uchelrusiang a ngklel.
A ta er a klebesei e a Uchelrusiang a remenges el kmo, a Ngaraard a mo ou mekemad er a Ngiwal. A Uchelrusiang a mle medengei el kmo, a kmal meral uchelir a Ngiwal. Tiai a mle uchul me ng mlo olsarech a beluu el mo er a Ngiwal. Me ng ngara bebul a Ngerair e a Rechemechem a mrechii a ulul me ng ruebet el me mad er a chis el nga er a medal a Ngerair.

FY’20 Site Rehabilitation and Conservation Project
The site rehabilitation and conservation project of Beluu er a Ngercheluuk located in Ngiwal commence on April 05, 2023 and completed on September 30, 2023. The project involved clearing overgrowth trees on stone platforms and stone pathways. They accomplished by cutting unnecessary trees, bushes and vines within and around Ngercheluuk village and so forth. Other modification such as realigning the rocks is supervised by village elders and monitored by the Bureau. Including a construction of a 2ft x 3ft interpretive sign using traditional materials at the site.
The main purpose of this project is to educate and motivate the public, especially the affected villagers to realize the importance of the site and its potential economic benefits. Through the project, the concerned executives, traditional leaders and individuals could be reminded once again that these precious resources are theirs and should be maintained for many reasons: for present and future generations to learn and enjoy; for continuous education; for heritage tourism; and for economic development.
Governor Francisco Melaitau and the community of Ngiwal State feel fortunate to have one of their precious sites rehabilitated and have access for visitors. They believe that this is one way for others to learn about their state’s history and thanked the Bureau of Cultural and Historical Preservation under the Ministry of Human Resources, Culture, Tourism and Development for their on-going efforts in helping small communities little by little with their financial assistance.
Olsudong, Rita. Calvin T. Emesiochel. Errolflynn T. Kloulchad. 2001. Inventory of Cultural and Historical Sites and Collections of Oral History in Ngiwal and Ngchesar States. Vol. I : Inventory of Cultural Sites. Pp. 31-40.
Compiled by McMichael Mutok Jr.
Palau National Register of Historic Places
Bureau of Cultural and Historical Preservation
Given the importance of this site to Palauans in terms of their history and culture and the concerns that exist in regard to its future, those visiting the site should not engage in any type of behavior or activity that disturbs the integrity of this site or diminishes the respect that should be accorded to it.
Because of the importance and sensitivity surrounding this and all historical registered sites, the Palau Historic Preservation Office would like to emphasize proper conduct for visiting a site through the following guidelines.
1) Remember that many sites include culturally sensitive areas and therefore behavior should be always be respectful.
2) Remember to take everything you bring to the site with you when you leave.
3) Do not remove anything from the site. Although you may not think something is significant to the site, all pieces make up the whole.
Location of Beluu er a Ngercheluuk, Ngiwal
For additional information on this or any other Registered site, Please contact:
The Bureau of Cultural and Historical Preservation
Ministry of Human Resources, Culture, Tourism, and Development
P.O Box 100, Koror, Palau 96940
Tel: (680) 767-1126/ (680) 767-2452
Email: [email protected]
Please contact the state prior to travel and obtain visitation permission:
Ngiwal State Office at
(680) 679-2967 or (680) 679-3254