Photo by McMichael Mutok Jr. (October 2023)

Diong er a Teluat ma Cheldeklel a Rael

Bathing pool and Stone Path of Iyebukel Village

Site Type
Bathing Pool and Stone Path
Date Registered
October 10, 2006
Site No
B:NE-2:1; F24 & F28


In recognition of its significance, Diong er a Teluat ma Cheldeklel a Rael site number B:NE-2:1 Feature 24 and Feature 28 was listed in the Palau Register of Historic Places on October 10, 2006. Through preservation, study, and interpretation, the site can serve to educate future generations concerning the historical and cultural heritage of the Palauan community and the state of Ngarchelong.

Diong er a Teluat is a bathing pool for the village of Iyebukel. The site is adjacent to the south side of the eastern end of the stone path at a lower elevation. A step from the south end of the path leads down to the bathing pool. The sides are paved with coral rocks. According to some informants, there is a large rock in the middle called Turekong. A small iliud was noted at the southwest corner of the pool with a monolith. Another monolith was noted at the southeast corner.

It is important to preserve and protect this significant site called Diong er a Teluat ma Cheldeklel a Rael to prevent it from being destroyed. The site holds irreplaceable tangible cultural heritage that represents its uniqueness to the state of Ngarchelong and its community.


Tia el olsechall el Diong er a Teluat ma Cheldeklel a Rael el Site Number B:NE-2:1 Feature 24 ma Feature 28 a siliseb er a omsengelel a klalo er a Ibetel a Cherechar (Palau Register of Historic Places) er se er a October 10, 2006. Tia el olsechall a ta er a mekreos el ibetel a cherechar er a Belau, el kmal klou el ultutelel el olsechall el mo er a rechad me a beluu er a Ngarchelong.

A Diong er a Teluat a diong er a irechar el disechel a Beluu er a Iyebukel. Ng tara klou el diong er a irechar el dirk cherrungel a teletelel el medechel el me er a chelechal sils. Tia el Diong er a Teluat a cheldukl a tkul el bad el chei me a derta baderitch. Ng di ua tial cheldeklel a rael eng di baderitch ma derta el bad el chei. A rechad er tial beluu a ouchais el kmo , ng mla er ngii a klou el bad el ngar tia el belengel a cheldeklel a rael el Turekong a ngklel. Ng dirrek el ngar er ngii a kekerei el iliud el nga er a bkul tia el diong el mo bedul a dimes-ngebard el obengkel a chimo el btangch. Ng dirrek el ngar er ngii a lmuut el ta er a btangch el dechor er a bkul el mo bedul a dimes-ongos er tia el iliud.

Ng kma el klou a ultutelel a le mecheuoulu tia el olsechall el Diong er a Teluat ma Cheldeklel a Rael me lak el metemall, e le medechel el olechotel a beluu er a Ngarchelong er a irechar.

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Compiled by McMichael Mutok Jr.

Palau National Register of Historic Places

Bureau of Cultural and Historical Preservation

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FY’21 Site Rehabilitation and Conservation Project

The site rehabilitation and conservation project of Diong er a Teluat ma Cheldeklel a Rael located in Ngarchelong State commence on April 01, 2023 and completed on January 30, 2024. The project involved clearing overgrowth trees on stone platform and stone pathways. They accomplished by cutting unneccessary trees, bushes and vines within and around Diong er a Teluat and its stone path. Other modifications such as realigning the rocks are supervised by village elders and monitored by the Bureau. Stone path that are being misplaced or fallen are being restored to its original structure. Including a construction of a 2ft x 3ft interpretive sign using traditional materials at the site.

The main purpose of this project is to educate and motivate the public, especially the affected villagers to realize the importance of the site and its potential economic benefits. Through the project, the concerned executives, traditional leaders and individuals could be reminded once again that these precious resources are theirs and should be maintained for many reasons: for present and future generations to learn and enjoy; for continuous education; for heritage tourism; and for economic development.

Governor Dwight Ngiraibai along with the community and Ngarchelong State Government feel fortunate to have one of their precious sites rehabilitated and have access for visitors. They believe that this is one way for others to learn about their state’s history and thanked the Bureau of Cultural and Historical Preservation under the Ministry of Human Resources, Culture, Tourism and Development for their on-going efforts in helping small communities little by little with their financial assistance.


Olsudong, Rita. Calvin T. Emesiochel. Errolflynn T. Kloulchad. 1999. Inventory of Cultural and Historical Sites and Collections of Oral History in Kayangel and Ngarchelong States. Volume. I : Inventory of Cultural and Historical Sites. Division of Cultural Affairs (Historic Preservation Office). Ministry of Community and Cultural Affairs. Republic of Palau. Pp. 56-58


Given the importance of this site to Palauans in terms of their history and culture and the concerns that exist in regard to its future, those visiting the site should not engage in any type of behavior or activity that disturbs the integrity of this site or diminishes the respect that should be accorded to it.

Because of the importance and sensitivity surrounding this and all historical registered sites, the Palau Historic Preservation Office would like to emphasize proper conduct for visiting a site through the following guidelines.
1) Remember that many sites include culturally sensitive areas and therefore behavior should be always be respectful.
2) Remember to take everything you bring to the site with you when you leave.
3) Do not remove anything from the site. Although you may not think something is significant to the site, all pieces make up the whole.

Location of Diong er a Teluat ma Cheldeklel a Rael, Ngarchelong State

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Compiled by McMichael Mutok Jr.

Palau National Register of Historic Places

Bureau of Cultural and Historical Preservation

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