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Tourism and Development.

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Palau Register of Historic Places


The responsibilities of the Palau Register of Historic Places include:
  1. Nominating and registering sites to the Palau Register of Historic Places.
  2. Maintaining the national list of historic sites eligible to be nominated to the National Historic Register.
  3. Monitoring permitted and non-permitted undertakings for compliance with the historic preservation law.
  4. Preservation and protection of all artifacts, documents, and other materials with historical or cultural value held in the Register archive.
  5. Restoration of registered sites.
  6. Maintaining the Palau Research Library.

Palau Register of Historic Places

Upcoming projects and programs

(1) FY' 20 Site Rehabilitation and Conservation Project (ONGOING)

Recipient of the FY'20 Site Rehabilitation and Conservation Project

         I.) Ngiwal State Government

          (a) Beluu er a Ngercheluuk

(2) FY'21 Site Rehabilitation and Conservation Project (ONGOING)

Recipient of the FY'21 Site Rehabilitation and Conservation Project

         I.) Ngarchelong State Government

          (a) Diong er a Teluat ma Cheldeklel a Rael, Site Number  B:NE-2:1 F24 & F28

         II.) Ngeremlengui State Government

          (a) Oublallang (el ngar ngii a Chesuch el bad) Ngereklengong, Site Number B:NM-2:9 F14

         III.) Sonsorol State Government

          (a) Japanese Defense Fortification, Site Number B:SU-3:1 F1, F2, F32, & F33


Completed projects and programs

(1) FY'20 Site Rehabilitation and Conservation Project (CLOSED)

Recipient of the FY'20 Site Rehabilitation and Conservation Project

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